EMF’s impact on the brain can not be ignored as one of the root cause of digital dementia. Digital dementia is the result of overuse of technologies that are addictive and detrimental to brain development. (1)

EMF stands for electromagnetic fields or frequencies. EMF are invisible, they include emission of different types of radiation like standard electricity, WiFi, cell phones, cell phone towers, bluetooth, microwaves… these new types of radiations were barely seen 20 years ago.
Unfortunately, safety standards protecting us against EMF have not been updated since 1996. Back then only a few people and some cell phone towers were used. Children and adolescence were not using cell phones at all. Also, safety standards of cell phones are tested on a grown man, not on children. The result is that under the industry-designed process for evaluating radiation exposure from cell phones, children may absorb double the radiation in their heads, three times the radiation in their brain’s hippocampus, and up to 10 times the radiation to their bone marrow compared to adults. (2)
A group of researchers at Yale University placed cell phones on top of cages with pregnant mice and looked at the effect of exposure on the mice’s offsprings. The offsprings showed behaviors of hyperactivity and diminished memory, similar to children with ADHD. The longer they exposed the pregnant mice, the worse the effect on the offsprings’ behavior. (3)
Also, a large-scale study by UCLA School of Public Health and University of Aarhus, Institute of Public Health researchers in Denmark found that the children of mothers who used cell phones while pregnant, and young children who used cell phones themselves, had more behavioral problems at the age of seven than non-cell phone users. (4)
EMF’s have been shown to impact the development in utero, children’s emotional and social skills, learning abilities, perception, attention, function, and memory. They have further been shown to diminish reaction time, decrease motor function, increase distraction and hyperactivity, anxiety and depression. (1)
So, the big question is always “what can we do?”
- Realize that there is unsafe technology.
- Using earbuds, headsets, or speakerphones to create distance between our children and their wireless gadgets (signal strength decreases exponentially with distance).
- Download movies and games on the tablets. Use airplane mode or turn of the WIFI or Bluetooth when we hand tablets to our children.
- At home, turn off the WiFi when not in use. At night, for example, exposure is unnecessary and harmful.
- Use an internet cable instead of a WIFI. Even if there are many other WIFIs around us, ours is the closest and therefore the most harmful to us and our families.
- Hire a building biologist or geovital consultant to survey our home and help us clean up our house from EMFs.
(1) https://digitaldementiasummit.com/
Pineault, N., Are EMFs Zapping Your Children’s Health?
(2) https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/01/17/cell-phones-using-the-wrong-safety-standards.aspx
(3) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22428084
(4) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18467962